Dynamic Skylight - Recapture Sky is so heavy now

I have [this litle project][1], im comming back after some months.

I had stopped for a while because the engine had some limits for what I´m trying to do but with the latest implementations [here][2] and [here][3], I believed he could return to work on the project.

However, things had solved, as the “Tick” the “Recapture Sky” now have become extremely heavy and it is impossible to use like I was using.

Then I ask if there is any alternative.
I dont have any programming skills to solve things like that, I´m only a hobbist playing on blueprints, but if UE4 is walking to dynamic light, “ticking” skylight for recapture is not a good idea. I think, to changing it for movable type, should upgrade itself.

I´m working with last version compilied from master.
On my post, there is a dev log so far, so you can read the details of what I’m trying to achieve.

PS.: sorry for my engrish.

[2]: Engine Features Preview 5/29/2015 - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
[3]: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/ef2256631b3a54fb615cafe22662b2f929189de8

I’ll second this issue simply because the system he’s working on is awesome and I want it for my game.

There’s lots of interest in seeing his system succeed, though not everyone might be encountering his specific problem.


I think this might help solve your problem. EventTick should not generally be used to update something like your dynamic ambient light (Skylight), as it is tied to the direct lighting and incurs a heavy performance hit.

Instead, you will only want to update it at longer interval times. It might still cause a visual hitch as well.

I think the best approach would be to follow the advice of Daniel Wright in the link below, and also try looking into the blueprint node Cubemap Blend, and blending between different HDR cubemaps based on time of day :slight_smile:

LPV + Skylight AO Baking