Convert UE 4.7 project

Yesterday I Converted my 4.7 project to 4.8 via right click on the .uproject → Switch unreal versions and Generate VS Project files. When I run the project the editor opens and it works fine but when I am trying to open the project via Visual Studio it does this:

I noticed that when the project is win32 it throw me this error but when I am changin the project to win64 it runs and works fine. The problem is that it takes too long to build (build the project, not run it). I seems to take 3 minutes when on UE4.7 win32 it took me maximum 30 seconds.

Why can not I run the project with 32 bit? Why it takes so much it to build the project?

Hey -

If you open the project through the .uproject and go to File, there should be an option related to opening/building the Visual Studio solution. Using this options should open the project solution in Visual Studio and allow you to edit the code.


Hey, here is all of my options when I click on File:

I have clicked on “Open visual studio”, VS opened, I was trying to build the project using win32 and it did nothing.
I have clicked on “Refresh visual studio project” and opened visual studio, I have switch the project to win32 debug and it did not do anything to the game in the editor.
Infact, here is all the output when I build the project on win32:

1>------ Build started: Project: VikingKing, Configuration: DebugGame_Editor
Win32 ------ 2>------ Build started:
Project: UE4, Configuration:
BuiltWithUnrealBuildTool Win32 ------
1> Win32 is not a supported platform
for VikingKingEditor. Valid platforms
are Win64, Mac, Linux.
========== Build: 2 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped

As you can see it is not the regular output when build is successful. Pay attention to the “Build: 2 succeeded”. Why 2?

“Win32 is not a supported platform for VikingKingEditor. Valid platforms are Win64, Mac, Linux” Here is the reason, But why it is not supported? how can I make it be supported?

Hey -

The “2 succeeded” is most likely referring to the project as well as either the engine or another module that was built along with the project. As for not being able to build for Win32, are you using a source build of the engine or the binary version from the Launcher. If you are using the source version then building in Development Editor or DebugGame Editor will not work since the editor has already been build for 64 bits. Instead using Development or DebugGame will allow the project to compile in Visual Studio and open the executible but willnot be able to be opened in the editor. So you would want to do any editing to the project in the 64bit version and then build a “Development Win32” version for testing/releasing a version compatible with 32bit systems.
