AudioDevice - null in PIE after hotreload


If I launch the game in PIE then I do a hot reload then I play again, I have a fatal error due to a null pointer:

bool FXAudio2SoundSource::Init(FWaveInstance* InWaveInstance)
on check(AudioDevice);

Are you awayre of this?

Hey -

Can you provide more information about the crash? Where are you using this code? Does this occur after compiling code in a new project and then trying to PIE? Can you post the log files from the crash?


Same problem here. But in my case the AudioDevice-Error fires when I play a sound inside my HUD-Class:

UGameplayStatics::PlaySound2D(this, BTN_Sound);

The Compiler-Output says the following:
Assertion failed: AudioDevice [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.8\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\XAudio2\Private\XAudio2Source.cpp] [Line: 402]

Hi ,

I will try to get a log file from the crash.
In my setup, I just have to play once in PIE, Do a hot Reload and play another time in PIE and 90% of the time I have thi Assertion Failed.

I will try to get more information.
Good news is that Braindaing have also this issue so I’m not alone ^^

Does the same thing happen if you create a new code project and try to PIE then compile the project and PIE again? Hey , could you post the log files from your crash as well?

Hey -

We’ve not heard from you in a few days and I will be marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still having problems with the AudioDevice being set to NULL feel free to respond here with a comment and we will continue to investigate.


sorry for the delay, I still encounter this issue.
I will try to create a repro project but it may take sometime.

The step on my side are:

Launch the PIE for 2 players (2 different screens)
Play some sound in the client and the server
Exit PIE
Do some C++ modification
Compile + Hot Reload
Lauch the PIE for 2 players
Play some sound and → Error!

I’m using: UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAttached
to play the sound.


We’ve gotten the same issue. It happens if launching the game in PIE mode even with only 1 player.

I don’t. However, it looks like the issue has been resolved here: [4.8.1] Audio crash after C++ hot-reload - Audio - Epic Developer Community Forums

It looks like a fix is in this commit:

Thanks for sharing your concerns.

Do you have a simple way to repro this so the Developper can repro and track down this bug?


Yeah!! this seems to be this.
Bad news is that this “known” issue hasn’t been pushed in the hotfixes.
We will have to wait for 4.9.

I just tried applying that commit / patch to 4.8 and the problem wasn’t fixed unfortunately.

Hey -

We’ve submitted a bug report for this crash to see if we can track down the cause(UE-19563). Please let us know if this crash is still affecting after the next version release however the best solution for the time being would be to close the editor when compiling to avoid any issues with the hot reload. As mentioned by on the other post you linked to this bug appears fixed in the latest master branch on GitHub. You can try the 4.9 preview 2 available as well as the 4.9 branch on GitHub to see if this is fixed for you there.
