Import from 3ds max then collision Problem

Hello guys,

My problem is simple. I have a simple mesh like a road and 2-3 buildings on the side nothing fancy. I have the good scale in cm, but when I import the fbx iinto UE it’s like it had created a collision cube around the road and the buildings so I can’t put a start player on the road.
I’m new to UE and I would like to preserve the variation of the road to be able to run on it so do I have change the collision by my self or did I miss something during the export?

Thanks in advance.

Hi, try check your imported models collision in static mesh editor, here’s nice reference guide how do it Collision Response Reference in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation


  1. If your road and house one model, then probably you have to try change collision
  2. split road and house into different models
  3. disable static mesh collision on whole model (road+house) and just make new actor blueprint and put here your model without collision and add simple invisible cubes to make custom part collision (don’t sure if same possible from static mesh editor)

Thanks for your answer ! It was indeed a collision problem !
Split road and house into different model seems a good solution. Thanks!

For the time being I opened the mesh and on the collision tab I selected auto convex collision and he backed me a pretty convincing collision cage after applying the settings. And it worked :slight_smile: Thanks again.

You can also right click on the mesh and choose "edit "

Once opened you can change “Collision Complexity” as “Use Complex Collision As Simple”

Hello!Thanks for your answer! I’m not sure, what does it do ? :slight_smile:

if you ask about “Collision Complexity”, then in link i gave there’s upper section on left called “Collision Responses” Collision in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation and if you ctrl+f there Collision Complexity you will find

Collision Complexity Collision Trace behavior, by default, it will keep simple (convex) and complex (per-poly) collisions separate. Some objects types such as Static Meshes will have this property only listed in their editor and under the Body Setup sub category under the Static Mesh category.
Default - Keeps simple collisions as simple, and complex collisions as complex.
Use Simple Collision as Complex - Will use convex collision for everything.
Use Complex Collision as Simple - Will use per-poly collision for even simple collision needs.