Do StaticMeshComponent objects count as actors?

I have a volume that detects (from code) when an actor which has a specific component enters it. It looks something like things:

void ACustomVolume::ActorEnteredVolume(class AActor* Other)
	if ( Other )
		UCustomComponent* customComponent;

		if ( Other->Components.FindItemByClass( &customComponent) )
			UE_LOG( LogClass, Log, _T( "%s entered volume" ), *customComponent->GetReadableName() );

This currently works really well. But only with certain objects.

So, this has led me to a question:

Does an object with a StaticMeshComponent trigger actor events? Because all the objects I’ve tried except objects with a StaticMeshComponent in the root have triggered this method properly from the custom volume. Including player, projectiles, etc. But not StaticMeshComponent objects.

What I’m wondering is if there’s something I’m not understanding in this, or if there might even be a bug somewhere?

“Because all the objects I’ve tried except objects with a StaticMeshComponent in the root have triggered this method properly from the custom volume. Including player, projectiles, etc. But not StaticMeshComponent objects.”

Can you clarify this a bit?

What actors have you tried?


What other actors with staticmeshcomponents have you tried?


If we use the FPS example project as an example, it works fine with the character and with the projectiles, but doesn’t work with the boxes in the default scene.

In short, no, components are not actors.