Blueprint comunication to spawned actor with custom event

How to comunicate to custom event in specified actor.

I have actor blueprint with custom event in it. That actor are spawned dynamically multiple times from main blueprint.
Now i need to comunicate to that event from main blueprint to specified actor.

That event has timeline with some actor movement.
I want to lunch that event when condition are met. That condition are check in loop in main blueprint but when i call that event, nothing happens.

In main blueprint i put loop of all actors, then i drag Element to empty space and chose that custom event. It compile with no errors but dosnt work. I tried other things but with no result. Loop check condition before it try to lunch event but it dosnt mater in the problem.

Now im stuck :stuck_out_tongue:

If you have a reference to that blueprint it should work without problems… can you post some screenshots?

This guide may help

I cant right now, but will do later today if guide posted below dont point me to some solution.
i allready achieve comunication between blueprints but from actor to custom event in main blueprint. But when i do the same thing in other way, nothing happens. Not even an error.

Thanks a lot, i remake that part of blueprints like in the guide and it work… then i recover my old one to find the problem and …that embarrassing… but the problem was in connection. I make by mistake a connection to “complete” on the loop, not on “Loop Body” so Element was empty. -_-

Thank You for help, if you wouldn’t say that it should work then probably i will delete that and try to find a different way.

Thank you for the guide, that helped me to find the problem and make some correction.

Np, happy you found it out :slight_smile: Remeber to mark the question as solved :slight_smile:

… check this, it may help …