Frame-based update for recording

I have a custom (spherical) recording solution which spits out image sequences. Since that recording process is expensive, and since updates are time-based, there are significant jumps between each frame. (I essentially get <10fps.)

Would there be any solution to lock the elapsed time between each tick to 16ms (which would yield a 60fps recording). From what I’ve heard this might be possible but would cause other problems, some of which are GPU timings related.

Hi num3ric,

There is benchmark mode. To enable this mode you should run program with parameter –BENCHMARK or use FApp::SetBenchmarking. By default, fixed delta time is 1/30 (Use FApp::SetFixedDeltaTime to set up 60 fps).

Another problem, it is device resetting by driver, to avoid this you should create device with flag D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DISABLE_GPU_TIMEOUT

Best regards,