Reflection from main viewport showing up in other viewports

If you look closely you can spot reflection (diagonal lines in this case) on top of character. These are directly taken from main viewport which has a floor with reflective lines. This effect gets overlaid in other viewports, in this case animation editor.

I’ve seen this effect happening in shootergame as well when loading a new scene (old reflection was still overlayed for a while until everything properly refreshed)

Hey Prea,

Are you able to reproduce this issue in another project? Can you give us some reproduction steps so we can try this from scratch? You mentioned you saw it in ShooterGame, but it doesn’t stay after fully loading… does yours remain after everything is rendered? Thanks!

I received same effect again when opening skeletal mesh viewer, it did stay after fully loading and when moving around scene it updated reflection ‘overlay’ in skeletal mesh viewer as well. Re-opening viewer ‘fixed’ it. I have no repro at this time, but it is recurring.