How to move an actor smoothly independently of fps?

I have a blueprint class child of Actor, for which i have a primitive sphere mesh and a camera, now, what i want to accomplish is moving the mesh on the +Y axis indefinitely so what i’m doing is on every tick adding 20 units on Y Axis to the position of the mesh and the camera.

To reduce fps problems i lock the game to 30 - 35 fps. The problem is that when the two objects move they don’t do it smoothly, you can notice little jumps as if the fps lowered or something but they don’t. so what i wanted to know if how can i smoothly move the objects or the actor itself on the y axis indefinite without having those “little jumps”. Also could it be a problem of the camera?

I tried multiplying the speed by delta seconds on the tick event but it didn’t work. And i repeat, i don’t think it’s fps problems as i have them locked and when i show the fps they are always between the range 30 - 35 and mostly 34-35

Could it be solved by interpolating or any other means?

This is what i’ve done:

and this is the result:

Hi DylanVelezDev,

You should multiple both MakeVector nodes by Delta Seconds (not only speed). In addition, it is incorrect to add Speed to Gravity (cause your “down speed” will be linear), You should accumulate gravity to some intermediate variable.

Hope it helps!

Hi, . I tried what you said and left out the gravity part, i’m only moving the object on the Y-Axis, now i still have the same problem. I posted an update with a gif to show what i’m talking about, the game is at 35 fps and it looks like it was at 14

Another thing is that at 120FPS it runs relatively smooth (you can notice the little jumps but rarely), I have also tried migrating the project to other projects, moving a mesh on another stablished project like SideScrollerBP but they aren’t smooth. Maybe i have to reinstall the program?, Switch to code? or is this expected?

Try setting velocity and see if it smooths things out for you.

Didn’t work neither, maybe it’s a bug or something.