Setting material parameter doesn't work in BeginPlay

I have a blueprint with TextActor component that i want to change dynamically during gameplay by setting its material parameters. So i create dynamic material instance in Construction Script, but when i try to change its parameter in Begin Play, it doesn’t work:

However, it works when i place this “Set Scalar Parameter Value” node in Construction Script. I want to smoothly change parameter values over time using Timeline, so I guess it must be in BeginPlay. How can I get it to work with Timeline?

I’m glad I’m not the only one to encounter this… I thought I was going insane!

Workaround I found was to put a delay node with a 0 second delay before setting the parameter. Very bizarre.

Oh thanks, I can’t try this out right now, but I’ll accept your answer for now, I believe that it will work :slight_smile: If not, I will post a comment here or something. Thanks!