How would I create enter able buildings in blender?

I was looking for a way to enter the buildings I create, I model them with interiors, but they seem to look enter able, but actually are not. I was reading up on Modular buildings, but I think that could be one of my last resorts… Is there any other way? I have tried two, one would be the Boolean modifier in the building, starting from a plane, to the shell of the house / building, then to the details of using the Boolean modifier, once that is done, I would export a FBX and import it into Unreal Engine, only not enter able. Second way was actually using the Extrude tool as much as needed to create a wall shell, with windows, doors, etc… Then I would create the base + roof as a separate piece, then join the mesh together, but that didn’t work so well either.

Thanks, I’ve honestly looked for any thing other than modular building and no luck, so if I missed something, please excuse that as this is my first question.


unfortunately I don’t understand you clearly(

If you just want to walk through door frame you need to disable collision on it.
I for example not create auto collision when import fbx and do it manually as blocking volume on each wall and floor - Building - Unreal Editor (536 kb) закачан 22 декабря 2016 г. Joxi .
also you can add specified collision in blender and in the UE mesh editing.