Get Amplitude slowing down as song plays

Before anyone gets on me about how my light wont flicker because I am putting raw Amplitude data into G of RGB, I know, I am not concerned with this part, all I need to do once I get the amplitude working is add a percent, but that is a waste of time since the Amplitude isnt working properly. Im trying to get the light to flicker based on the Current Song’s Amplitude, but I keep running into this issue where the Amplitude becomes misaligned with the Actual audio track. I use the song ‘Prison song’ from System of a Down so that I can get a clear high and low, but after the first High it slowly tapers off and then 10 - 20 seconds later the amplitude goes back up (when in the song it only takes about 2 seconds for the next beat).

Is there something I am missing?

Have you tried moving the nodes after Play Sound at Location to the “Tick” function? Also, I don’t think it is wise to use Get Game Time in Seconds. You should probably first save the game time in seconds when you Play the sound. And everytime, subtract this time from the current Time in seconds, to feed into Get Amplitude.

PS: When you move the nodes to Tick function, remove Delay node.