Perlin Noise material function

Using UE 4.8.1

Either I am completely wrong about how the noise function works in the material editor, or it’s not working correctly.

As far as I was aware the position input of the function takes either a 2d or 3d “position”.

When I set the position to the following I get a good result as seen here.

However when I try and multiply the position by another value (Say 5 for example) it’s like the scale value has been changed as well:

Is this normal behaviour? Is the position noise parameter supposed to change the scale of the noise?!

This has been driving me mad, so would appreciate any help :slight_smile:

I’ve figured it out.

For some reason I failed to remember it’s at pixel/fragment level, a position of 1,1,1 yields a white/grey colour, as every pixel is now using the same position.

I was multiplying the local position by a factor which is effectively scaling the pixel position e.g.
1,1,1 becomes 5,5,5
2,2,2 becomes 10,10,10

which is why it was scaling. I;m now using an offset vector and scaling that to achieve what I wanted.

Apologies for immediately answering my own question - If mods can lock delete questions that would be perfect.