Failed to open descriptor file! - Make sure VS is compiled for shipping


after successful packing i can´t start builded myproject.exe!

I only get error message :

"Failed to open descriptor file ´…/…/…/Myproject-Win64-Shipping/Myproject-Win64-Shipping.uproject´ "

i tried to package and cook again but same problem

I have exact same problem. No matter what project I try to build, it always gives that same error. I can only run game via “Launch” in editor, but no matter what I do, I can’t build a stand alone build. I’m using windows 7 x64 and building a win32 package.

Also - as a side note, how do you exit game once it’s launched? Is there some mystical key-combo that exits or do I have to somehow add this functionality to my projects?

I have same problem on Windows 8 x64
Temporary solution is to change built from shipping to development.
Hope this will get real fix soon.

Have you tried Esc on keyboard if in viewport.
If stand alone then Alt+F4.

Alt-F4 doesn’t work for me. I managed to add an input action to quit game when player presses Esc or Alt-X. It doesn’t appear that any built-in hot key is used for exiting game which seems odd to me. Fortunately adding one was not hard.

Yes, I noticed that also. Development build seems to work fine but shipping build always fails with that descriptor file error. I’m not sure what differences are between dev and ship - maybe shipping is more compact. In any case, choosing a different build shouldn’t break build if nothing else is changed.

So its a bug of engine ?
Because of this i can use Dev instead of Shipping until it fixed .
If not i hope for a solution

No shipping is like a finish game.
it make it able for works on and with Steam for example.
But u are right. It s only kind of rendering and building and this cant make it possible or impossible to work

In stand alone u have to put a own key function to close.
I had same problem and have put it with a menu and ESC key to close Stand alone

This is not case for me. I get error regardless of “Full Distribution” setting. In fact, my normal setting is to have this option unchecked.

It’s because of files left on your phone from previous build. Use something like ASTRO on your phone to make sure all previous folders and files are deleted.

Uninstalling game from your phone/tablet will not remove all files and indeed keeps your game crashing

My builds are Windows/PC only.


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Hi AVARSStudios,

I noticed that you marked this issue with crash tag, does your packaged project actually crash and bring up crash reporter, or does it just stop working with descriptor error?

If former, can you see if you have crash in your project’s saved folder and attach to this thread as a txt file?

If you don’t experience a crash, can you post your project’s successful build , along with your packaging process?


I haven´t experience some crash files.[link text][1]

49972-package.txt (3.22 MB)

For process I mean more like how do you package, from editor or from Project Launcher? Do you use command line? Are you using binary or source from Github?

For normally i open my project editor and package there always (with file->packaging project) and i look with outputlog always process and faults and errors while packaging works.

All in all i use source from Github.
I hope this is more useful than before.

Ok, have you built Win64 UE4Game with Shipping configuration in Visual Studio?

What u mean exactly?
i have build with standard config of editor