Cinema 4D to UE4 no smoothing groups?

Whilst trying to export a simple lantern model from C4D to UE4 it is imported without smoothing groups.
I have read all the other questions on this issue that have been posted on the Answerhub, but none of the solutions (updating C4D, using different versions of FBX, etc…) have fixed the problem, there is always never any smoothing.
I have set the mesh up correctly in C4D with a phong tag (mesh smoothing) and only one UV, but the problem persists.

I’ve been suffering this issue since I started using UE4 - when it was released - but it never really bothered me until now.

I hope someone can figure out how to fix this infuriating issue,

That’s a known issue with C4D unfortunately. You can read about it here in this older answer hub post: C4D Smoothing Groups inconsistent - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

So then there’s no known solution?

dude, i don’t know how much time i’ve wasted trying to get this resolved, (you’ll notice i’m quite prominent in the thread he linked you to) just move on and use unity 5, the pipeline between cinema 4d and unity is fully working with zero issues, it seems Epic are too busy sucking Autodesks balls to worry about anyone using C4D.

Haha, Unity is way too low featured and low powered for me now that I’ve used UE4 (I have used prior to UE4) and I’m sure that C4D will fix this problem at some point, as it does not seem to be a problem with UE4.

are you kidding? Realtime GI anyone :stuck_out_tongue:

If you think UE4 isn’t PBR and has Real-time GI then you really must have not even opened it my friend.
Also it has it for free :wink: