Scene outliner folders expand on play

Even if the folders in the scene outliner are closed, as soon as you hit “Play” the folders all open up and stay open even after you press “Stop”.

Ideally folders should respect their open/closed status even if in Play mode.

This was tested on the new 4.1.0 preview build and built from the source files on github.

Hi Funkenstein,

Thank you for letting us know. This is a known issue and we are working towards a solution. Have a great day!

Kinda figured it was already know but had to make sure :slight_smile:
Thanks for the follow up!

Just as a follow up, the scene outliner now remembers its state if play is pressed, however I did notice that if you launch a map or re-open a map that all the folders expand and do not respect the state when the map was saved. I tested this in 4.1.1 and 4.2.0 pre-release.

Hi Funkenstein,

Thank you for your report, we will take this into consideration. Have a great day!

Hi, This issue is still current with the latest version. Will it be fixed eventually? Many thanks.

Hi Madvoyer,

I just tried this in 4.7.6 and did not see it occur, what steps are you taking to reproduce this on your end?

Hi, this issue is still partly in 4.8 version. Folders stay close after play mode, but all internal hierarchy expands

Hi ,

Have you tried this in 4.9 or the 4.10 preview? Does this occur in either of these engine versions? If so, what steps did you take to reproduce it on your end?

Hi , I dont use 4.9 because the rename scenes causes warning massges in this build, I dont remember details. The 4.10 I haven`t tried.

I have not been able to reproduce this in 4.9 or 4.10, Are there any specific steps I can take to reproduce this on my end in these builds? Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?

Do you mean my last post issue or issue with folders expand in 4.9?

Folder expansion specifically. The error you are seeing with converting to 4.9, if you believe this to be a bug, should have a separate answerhub post so we can assist you more in depth.

Post with converting to 4.9 already exists on answerhub but I can`t find this). Ok, , I will try again with 4.9 and reproduce those warning massege while saving my map with other name.

this is happening for me on 4.14.3, how to stop this? my outliner is very organized in tons of subfolders

everytime i “play” for test it auto expand and this getting nightmareish lol

Hello Bigodon,

I am unable to reproduce this issue on our end. Could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?

This still happens in version 4.19, here is a screenshot / animated gif of my steps, on a new project with the default starter map -

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Thank you for the information provided. It appears that this issue happens when playing with multiple players. I have written up a new report for this issue. I have provided a link to the public tracker below. Please feel free to use the link provided for future updates.

Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-59577)

Make it a great day

Also here on 5.1 and 5.2:
All folders and parent objects expand at runtime.
The bad thing is after qutiting gamemode the parent objects stay expanded (while folders nicely collapse).

10 years later and this still happens? Wow. I guess if it affected Fortnite devs it would be fixed ASAP