Rotate Character Weapon Blueprint, To Hold Correctly

I apologize if this question is really simple but I can’t seem to figure it out. When my character equips certain weapons, he holds them the wrong way. See below:

In the past I have corrected this issue by rotating the socket to which the weapon is attached to. I can’t do that for this now because the character holds other weapons correctly. In the blueprint, under the mesh component there is a section called “transform” which allows you to do rotations. However these seem to have no effect one you play the game.

Anyone have any idea how to rotate the weapon so it’s held correctly?

bump, still struggling

Okay so I figured it out, it was pretty simply. Off the “Begin Play” event node I add a 1 second delay to ensure the mesh it loaded before rotating. Then I used my Mesh as the target to AddRelativeRotation node and it worked!

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A better fix for this actually is to export your weapon skeletal mesh and then immediate import it back in. It will ask if you want to override the existing skeletal mesh, say “yes”. Then it will allow you to perform on import rotations and translation, fix it there and it will be right forever.


Hello! Thanks for posting an update for your result, does this apply to static meshes as well? Also The issue only occurs when snapping to my player’s hand for only a few of my gun meshes my other two are fine and align correctly to my hand socket.