Blueprint & Steam GlobalStats?

What class should we be putting the C++ into in order to hook up our Blueprint with Steam Global Stats? Thanks!

Hi, since steam already linked into UE4 and just miss some exposing to blueprints you can do in C++ like altnabla told there Inviting / joining steam friends - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums


The right way to set it up is to use the IOnlineSubsystem wich will give you a correct pointer to the currently used Interface.

hence for instance, to set up a Callback that will be called whenever you receive a Steam Invite and you’re in-game

IOnlineSubsystem* OnlineSub = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
// Retrieve our Interface
if (OnlineSub) // if an Online Interface is valid
IOnlineSessionPtr SessionInt = OnlineSub->GetSessionInterface();
// Get the Session Interface Pointer
FOnSessionInviteAcceptedDelegate OnSessionInviteAcceptedDelegate = FOnSessionInviteAcceptedDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &MyClass:MyCallbackFunction);
// Create a Delegate For Session Invite Acceptance.
//This will trigger our function Whenever we accept an Invite
SessionInt->AddOnSessionInviteAcceptedDelegate_Handle(0, OnSessionInviteAcceptedDelegate);
// Bind the Delegate

The Delegate Method Should have the following signature

MyCallbackFunction(int32 LocalUserNum, bool bWasSuccessful, const FOnlineSessionSearchResult & SessionToJoin)

so i think with IOnlineSubsystem pointer you can get access to any steam related things