Matinee Not triggering during play


I’ve been using Matinee to setup a simple cinematic(love the feature btw) and it plays just fine in matinee. I did what the documentation said and started the even on level play and i can see the wires light up indicating it’s calling matinee to play. If i click the animating camera in the scene outliner i can see that matinee is indeed animating the camera as it should but i am still in first person view and can walk around? Im using the first person controller blueprint with a few added additions to crouch, sprint etc… nothing out of the ordinary though. It seems to spawn my character and use the characters camera rather then the matinee camera even though I’ve ticked load on level play and scripted it to play as soon as the level loads, doesn’t make sense to me. I’ve tried all the settings on matinee like disable player movement(works), hide player(doesn’t work) since i am still looking through my first person camera and can shoot projectiles? would really love anyones help to fix this issue as i can see other people doing the exact same thing as me within matinee and theirs works but mine doesn’t? i’ve even tried the same things in another project without a fps player even in there but then it spawns that specatators camera and i can move with that but still matinee is not playing the animated camera. here’s some pics of my setup, any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hey Jacky,

Thanks so much, fixed it in an instant. I never saw this mentioned anywhere in the documentation or anything, always the little things haha.

You need to set a keyframe for the director track. Select the director track and hit enter, then pick your camera.

yeah that was tricky to figure out but i guess it is needed more so for scenes with more then one camera so it knows what to switch to. also clicking on “Play at level load” and “looping” on the mantinee properies itself in the level can be useful if you are just doing cutscenes. (also in order to render the cutscene to video from the mantiee options it must play at level start).