Why are my questions are answered so slow?

When I ask the question on the UE4 ANSWERHUB, I can wait answer for a weeks and then I got answer, which don’t resolve my problem.

On the Unity forum, or StackOverflow, or any other forum I usually wait 10 minutes and after that I have a lot of great answers from many people.

Why it is not working with your site? You have a great engine and I really love it, but this site works really slow…

The answerhub is a mostly community-driven site, so it all depends on who sees your question and who can answer it. Epic staff concentrate on looking into bug reports and other posts that are indicative of engine errors, so we aren’t always available to help with “how-to” questions. It is very important to us that we keep growing the answerhub to help the community and we do have plans for more features that will help in getting more people involved.

I hope that helps to clarify, let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.

Hi ,

I understand that Epic has limited staff, time and resources but the lack of actual support to skilled developers is becoming a problem. Community support is fine for Blueprint help, level design advice and basics of using the engine, but how do you expect it to solve performance issues, platform-specific problems, and adding features in the engine source ?

It’s very nice to see more and more features added to the engine but the lack of support for the one that exist is becoming more and more of a problem. I wish I could still pay $19 a month and get help.

I have noticed that the devs will respond a lot faster if you put your questions in Bug Reports, I have a lot of bug reports that were answered in a week, but when I created 2 questions not in Bug Reports, they were never answered by the devs. (I created them in Feb and Mar) (They were eventually answered in an Engine Update Jul 10th and 20th)