How to set collision enabled for Tilemap?

Im new to unreal engine. Currently i’m trying to create a simple paper2D game. I’ve created my tilemap but couldn’t find the settings options for the tilemap collision. I know the tilemap is an experimental feature and not fully implemented.

My character is overlapping everywhere in the tilemap. How do i use tilemap in paper2D project?

My answer may be a little late but I did it this way:

  • Double click the tileset file in the content browser of unreal engine
  • Select a tile which should have a collider
  • Press add box, polygon or circle at the top bar
  • now in the view port (the stage of your game) select the tile map instance or tile map blueprint and make sure it has collision to block all

You also need to enable the Collisions on the TileMap itself. Open up the TileMap Details > Collision > Sprite Collision Domain and set it to 3D. They briefly mention this in the docs but it is just a sort of afterthought.