[4.8.1] - Bug w/ BP Nodes Exposing 'World Context Object'

Hey Guys,

Was working on an issue w/ Eric K. and this issue came up. I’m noticing this and its show up randomly in past, but that many nodes will all of a sudden expose their ‘World Context Object’ reference pin. It’s not a big issue but does expand a bunch of nodes up after they are laid out but I was curious why this happened since I know those always default to ‘Self’ on most.

Not sure I know how to repro this other than try upgrading a project 4.8 to 4.8.1 and see if that happens. That was I think point I started noticing it. Thanks!

Anyways, hope team is having a great week!

MC Stryker,

Usually when a node has World Context Object pin, it’s because it’s being used in an unusual place for that node, or it’s called in an out-of-context way. I’ve not seen any that become that way after an upgrade between engine versions, though, and while I’d normally assume it was a result of a change in that node between versions, I don’t remember any specific instances of that between 4.8.0 and 4.8.1. Can you tell me which node types this occurred with? If you create a new instance of that node and swap old one out for new, does that revert after saving, closing, and reopening editor?

Hey Buddy!!! :smiley:

Definitely… let me check to see what some of those nodes are…

After looking, it only looks like a couple nodes were affected during upgrade. So far I’ve found following.

“Play Sound At Location”

“If you create a new instance of that node and swap old one out for new, does that revert after saving, closing, and reopening editor?” Yes, this does work to get rid of this and this is usually what I have done in past to get around this.

Ahh… so this is possibly due to node code getting an update. Interesting… does this have to do maybe with a leftover intermediate file from last build?

Thanks again and hope you are doing well !!!

It seems possible, but I’m not aware of any changes in those nodes. I tried to create a new project in 4.8.0, create an Actor Blueprint using those nodes, drop BP in level, and upgrade project to 4.8.1, but no luck reproducing issue. Whatever is cause, it may be solved by deleting intermediate folders in upgraded project folder, but I couldn’t be sure.

I don’t suppose you still have a 4.8.0 version of project you can get me? If so, I may be able to track it down. If not, I’ll probably just resolve this issue until we can get some more details. It doesn’t seem critical, though it is annoying, so it’s totally up to you.

Hey ,

Thanks for consideration on resolving issue. I actually might be able to send you project but I don’t know if I have a 4.8 version :frowning:

I’m doing things pretty abstract and w/ my personal company I’m trying to start, I don’t have perforce setup. I do with my other job but at home its a pretty rudimentary so I end up scrapping some older builds I no longer need to keep on storage.

I’ll check though and if I do find it, I’ll definitely get it over to you. Otherwise, go ahead and mark this resolved and I’ll just delete and re-create nodes. Likely won’t take more than a couple min or I can do it as I see them. No worries buddy! :slight_smile:

I have a quick question however it’s likely under NDA so I’ll send you a PM.

Thanks Again !

Thanks MC. Let me know if you do and we’ll reopen post.

I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be on Spawn Emitter at Location - but it’s there now and when I use it I get a crash.

Hi iontom,

Can you open a new post with this information, as well as information from Crash Reporter when this occurs, and log from project’s Saved\Logs folder? Thanks!