Help with State Machines

Hi All

I am able to make a State Machine via the videos below. Walk / Run / Jump / Land.

I would like to know if there are other tutorial out there, where I can blend Idle/Walk/Run with COUCH - Idle/Walk/Run, Strafing, Running at angles that type of stuff.

I have 49 different Animations and trying to work out how to Blend them all together. I know this is a major task, but looking for a point in the right direction.

Animations shown here.

[Intro to Persona][2]

It’s pretty straightforward. Let’s break down the different questions/components:

  1. I’d probably make separate state nodes for your Stand Movement, Stand Idle, Crouch Movement and Crouch Idle. In the Movement nodes you’d have your 2D Blend Spaces. To get them to transition smoothly, you’ll need to set the transition logic accordingly.
  2. To blend the crouch or run directions, you’ll want to use a BlendSpace2D. “2D” means we want to use 2 values. (There’s also a BlendSpace1D). In a BS2D, one axis (usually Y) will be Speed, the other X, will be Direction. For Direction, on the X axis, the character can move 360 degrees. You could use 0-360 values, but for argument’s sake we’ll use -180 to 180. So if “0” is forward, -180 is backward, -90 is left, 90 is right, and 180 is again backward. For the Y axis for speed, 0 would be ‘idle’, and a value of 100 could be ‘run’. You can find more information on blend spaces here:
    Blend Spaces | Unreal Engine Documentation
  3. I’m not sure what you mean by “running at angles”. Can you clarify? Either way, it should fit into the general logic of blend spaces and transitions.

Here are a few more resources: