Is there a flight simulator tutorial for Unreal 4?


Ive recently dived into unreal 4 after the pricing changes. Ive previously used unity and have been wowed by unreal 4.
I’m currently looking to prototype out a game In unreal but I am having some issues. The game I am trying to make resembles a flight simulator. Ive searched for tutorials that would assist me with getting going with a flight sim in unreal but I have not managed to find any.
Does anyone know of a resource or tutorial that would help me set up a flight sim style character controller


Unreal engine 4.1 (1-2 week left) will have a NEW! FLYING AND ROLLING PROJECT TEMPLATES

There are 2 new project templates that demonstrate simple flying and rolling character movement!
The Flying templates (C++ and Blueprint) feature simple flying movement:

Here is a tutorial for flying, it would jsut be a starting point for you but should get you going in the right direction.

wiki tutorial