How do I setup a game timer for the HUD that starts with the game?

Im trying to have my game timer start right when the game starts. Anyone have a easy way of doing this ? Thats in blueprint? Im trying to have it appear on the HUD

Sure. Type in ‘time’ in the blueprint search, and start experimenting, if the timers don’t already have a print to screen thing, ‘Print to screen’ will do till you figure out a proper HUD element setup.

Alright will take a look. The method i used only counted with seconds and not minutes.

So this is a couple months old, but you never closed it as answered, anyone else comes through, I believe you’d have to manually convert from seconds to mm:ss by dividing your seconds by 60 to get minutes, and then doing the modus opperation (i believe thats what it’s called, to get the remainder. it’ll look like mm%60