How do you create a delegate to add to PerceptionComponent->OnPerceptionUpdated


I looked around and found a couple really useful threads about how to set up AI Perception in c++. The one thing im getting stuck on however is creating my own function to get called with OnPerceptionUpdated. What I have now has no errors it just isn’t calling my debug message when I enter into my AI’s sight perception. So I assume that My SenseUpdated function is not being called when you would expect it should be.

Heres the .h

class PW_GAME_API APWAIController : public AAIController

	APWAIController(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer);

	UAISenseConfig_Sight* sightConfig;

	TScriptDelegate<> sense;

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "AI")
	float agroRange;

	UFUNCTION(Category = "Perception")
	void SenseUpdated(TArray<AActor*>& testActors);

and heres the .cpp

APWAIController::APWAIController(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
	agroRange = 500;

	PerceptionComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UAIPerceptionComponent>(TEXT("Perception Component"));
	sightConfig = CreateDefaultSubobject<UAISenseConfig_Sight>(TEXT("Sight Config"));


	sightConfig->SightRadius = agroRange;
	sightConfig->LoseSightRadius = agroRange + 50;
	sightConfig->DetectionByAffiliation.bDetectEnemies = true;
	sightConfig->DetectionByAffiliation.bDetectNeutrals = true;
	sightConfig->DetectionByAffiliation.bDetectFriendlies = true;



void APWAIController::SenseUpdated(TArray<AActor*>& Actors)
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10, FColor::Blue, "Perception Sense Updated");

I Fixed it, kinda silly however I shall post the answer all the same. I did not realize that AddDynamic was a macro and my Intellesense was not showing it therefore I did not think It existed. Once I figured out I could use it, it made things really easy. here’s the updated code (Just the cpp):

APWAIController::APWAIController(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
	:Super(ObjectInitializer.SetDefaultSubobjectClass<UPWPathFollowingComponent>(TEXT("PW PathFollowingComponent")))
	PerceptionComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UAIPerceptionComponent>(TEXT("Perception Component"));
	sightConfig = CreateDefaultSubobject<UAISenseConfig_Sight>(TEXT("Sight Config"));


	sightConfig->SightRadius = agroRange;
	sightConfig->LoseSightRadius = agroRange + 50;
	sightConfig->DetectionByAffiliation.bDetectEnemies = true;
	sightConfig->DetectionByAffiliation.bDetectNeutrals = true;
	sightConfig->DetectionByAffiliation.bDetectFriendlies = true;

	PerceptionComponent->OnPerceptionUpdated.AddDynamic(this, &APWAIController::SenseUpdated);

void APWAIController::SenseUpdated(TArray<AActor*> Actors)
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10, FColor::Blue, "Perception Sense Updated");
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