Intellisense cannot open source file


I’ve been working with TCP IP protocol and it works nicely. It’s just that even after including everything in the build.cs file and into the .h for the class intellisense keeps telling me that it doesn’t have access to the source file “Networking.h”. I have yet confirmed it is into the Engine folder and it compiles but it’s just confusing.

I’ve looked into how is this problem solved in C++ usually but I can’t seem to get it to work. It was putting the correct references into the settings at VC++ Directories, but it didn’t work and just made it worst sometimes.

Has anyone got it working correctly or it’s something that isn’t solvable?

In Visual Studio, have a file from your project in the active tab/window, then from the menu open Project - [project name] properties. Under VC++ Directories, find the entry for Include Directories. Add the directory containing Networking.h to the list by finding the file in the unreal source and copying the path to the Include Directories list.