How to turn off a light for light mass baking ?

I have a blueprint class which contains a spot light where I use a bool to set it’s visibility, this works in the viewport but when baking lighting the light is still considered on.

I am assuming it’s “Affect world” I need to uncheck, but I can’t seems to find how to do it in blueprint.

Thank you.

Thanks and yes, but is there not a “off” switch to turn off the and on both in dynamic and baked lighting? do I have to go through blue print to do this ?

if a static light is baked, it cannot be turned off.

well, I do understand that. the situation I have is this: I have some static lights, I turn visibility off for some of them, then build lighting, I would expect the lights with visibility off wont contribute to the baked lighting, but no, they still do as they are on…

If you have a static light that does not bake into the lightmap then it is 100% useless as this is its only purpose. Static lights only add to the bake. If you want a light you can turn on and off your options are Stationary and Moveable.

Stationary will bake the light into the map but you can set the color and intensity at runtime to sort of “turn it off”. Note that though you can set the intensity to 0 ( or sometimes negative values may work better) that the baked bounced lighting is not affected. You will turn off the baked lightmap but dynamic meshes will still be lit slightly.

Moveable will be fully dynamic and in no way contribute to the bake.