Rootmotion + PlayerController + SimpleMoveToLocation() issue

Hi! GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem()->SimpleMoveToLocation() for playercontroller character with rootmotion is not moving character. Under debug i see the path following component is moving with path nodes, but character is standing and it movement component velocity is zero and RequestedVelocity is not used.

How and what to setup to make it work?


It is look like character with root motion can not be moved with requestmove()

I see the next chain:

  • PlayerController call SimpleMoveToLocation()

  • UPathFollowComponent is created and it calls:

         MovementComp->RequestDirectMove(MoveVelocity, bNotFollowingLastSegment);
  • When UCharacterMovementComponent::CalcVelocity() is called then should ApplyRequestedMove() be called, but it does not called because:

      if( !HasRootMotion() )
      	CalcVelocity(timeTick, GroundFriction, false, BrakingDecelerationWalking);

But i have a root motion!

What to do?