New with several questions


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I just bought a license to use UE4 yesterday and it seems pretty cool. But I do have a few questions that I can’t seem to figure out.

1: How do I create a default spawn point? I know how to create and place characters but I can’t seem to spawn at them when launching the game. (It throws me in the middle of nowhere unless I spawn where my camera was). If I go to play options, Default Player Start is grayed out.

2: Is there a way I can load up where I left off at when I start up UE4? I followed a few tutorials on youtube (Unrelated to this subject) and they started with the first person shooter template that puts them in that box with a few things around them. I made a new level after doing that which was blank and started working there. Now, every time I launch UE4 and load up that project, it puts me in that basic shooter starter spot and I have to go to load map to get back to where I was.

3: Packaging. I played around with this to see how it would work. It works good for development, and I wanted to try packing to shipping (That’s just how I wanted to test my game sample). It goes through the processes like it is packing but once it’s done, I can’t see anything. No folders, files or anything. It’s as if it did nothing. (I have it set up to save my packaged files on my desktop)

4: A similar topic to number 3. There is a menu to add descriptions to your game when packaging it such as version number, company name, etc. This also doesn’t seem to work to my knowledge. When I look at my newly packaged files, (Mainly focusing on the binary file that launches the game) all of that description info is the default Unreal Engine info instead.

That’s all my questions for now. Tried searching for these problems with no luck on finding any tutorials or threads about this.

I have broken this down into multiple threads now. Hopefully these answers will be easier to find for future references. Unfortunately, I can’t delete this thread though.

Alright, I’ll break it down into some new threads.