Exporting Error

All of my 3d models ( 3dsmax ) has the same error and i dont know how to fix it: object has degenerate tangent bases which will result in incorrect shading
And another thing is that all my 3d models doesn’t appear, i can drag but theres nothing happen when i try to scale the model . And i cant try to fix it because i cant see this thing.
Thank you for everyone who’s trying to help

PS: I have all the problems on UDK3 as well

Hi yanfirenight,

The degenerate tangent error is because you have an incorrectly setup UV. This can result from a stretched face.

Have a look at this thread on the AnswerHub for help: Degenerate Tangent Bases - Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums

For the other issue, can you post a screenshot or show what the mesh looks like in the Static Mesh Editor vs 3Ds Max?

Thank you!


Here are the screenshots, and now i noticed that i didn’t did nothing on UV, i need to do that to export? i was only exporting because i exported a door without the UV and both error doesnt appears Im starting now eith 3dsmax > UDK so i dont know many things. THanks for helping

PS: the archive is an .FBX and all the errors appeared again

In Max you can add a UVW Modifier and use a Flatten Mapping in the menu option of the UV Editor window to lay all your faces out flat. This will automatically get rid of any degenerate tangent issues that would appear in UE4.

You can then stitch these faces back together as needed for your UV layout.

In the other post linked above, if you locate my post with the box you’ll see the difference. The stretched face will cause the degenerate tangent like that which will produce the warning.

If you have got your UVs setup and are happy with them you can always disable the degenerate tangent issues. You can do this by opening your static mesh > Going to the the detail panel on the right > Expand the roll out menu for Build Settings > Uncheck MikkTSpace > Then select Apply.

MikkTSpace was introduced in 4.7, and is a better way for computing tangents and normals for a mesh. It will report any degenerate tangents that need to be fixed.

Let me know if I was unclear about something or something doesn’t make sense. I’m happy to help. :slight_smile:

Thank you man you’re good at this haha I will ask if i need again