Destructible Mesh Ignoring Collision


I’m having issues at the moment where after creating a destructible mesh only accepts collisions from the player and world objects(such as floor).

I’ve played with the collision properties to try get projectiles and objects such as the cubes from the demo scenes to collide with destructible meshes. Am I missing something? I can only seem to get destruction working by making it simulate physics and collide with the floor.

Kind Regards,


make sure to set “Use async scene” in the physics properties of your destructible actor to false. otherwise physics will be computed in a different thread for physicsobjects

Thank you so much! It’s the one option I must’ve skipped over. Tested and it now works.

I ran into the same problem, with only difference that I’m placing the destructible mesh directly on the level, without any blueprint that would describe it.
And there is no ‘Use async scene’ setting on it. What do I do then?


Same here! Did you find a solution ?

I honestly don’t recall - it’s been so long ago, and I’m guessing that Epic’s fixed it by now, haven’t they?

Unfortunately it’s back.Sorry, I didn’t realize the date lol