No Binary or Intermediate files made for my UObject Plugin

I have been trying to get my plugin to work but every time I try to open a project up with my plugin enabled it says my plugin is is not correctly installed and then doesn’t open up the project. I know it has to do with these missing files but I have no way of generating them. I used the generateprojectfiles batch file but it didn’t add the files.

Hey KikyoPoter-

The Binary and Intermediate folders are generated when the project is compiled in Visual Studio. Opening the Solution for the plugin and compiling it should generate the necessary folders.


I did compile it and nothing changed

Was the plugin created using the source version of the engine (from GitHub) or the binary version (from the Launcher)? Additionally is the project you’re trying to use the plugin for a source built or Binary built project?

yes it is the engine from github
I built a new project for this build.

Can you send a screenshot or file with the uplugin settings?

I found the issue. I think my file paths were too long. I moved it to my C Drive and regenerated the files. Then I rebuilt it and the binary and intermediate files generated