Assemble objects at runtime (and save data/entity)

Hello, i’m trying to make a game, actually simplified clone of the “Besiage” or “Kerbal Space Program” game(s). Can anyone point me into the right direction on how can i use predefined 3D models to “Assemble” them and then …maybe drive.

For example: you have these models:

  1. Wheel
  2. Differently sized boxes

So i’m trying to make a blueprint/code to let the player deside what is the assembled “Car?” would look like and how many wheels it will have, etc. But i’m stuck at the very beginning, I don’t know how to make the “Connection points”, or is it possible in Unreal Engine 4.8 ?


if you look at character blueprint, you may find such object is comples and contain many others, like capsule component, mesh (and mesh can have hidden simple collission that doesn’t fit 1 by 1 on mesh), camera and so on

so in your case to build assembled car at runtime all you need is create first instance of any actor blueprint for example and then use function “add child component”, after this you can manipulate child components from blueprints with functions having “local” in name, like “AddLocalActorRotation”

p.s. don’t forget mark question as answered when problem solved, so anyone else later can have same question and may find solution faster, if you find solution on your own, don’t forget write it too