Change cursor when hovering button?

I dont know why this is giving me problems as it should be easy enough.

I have a widget blueprint with a Start Play button. I want the cursor to change from default to Hand icon. So, in the Details/Behavior/Cursor I select hand. Then compile but nothing changes.


I dont know why it isnt working. I tried putting a Tool Tip Text and works fine. Do I need any extra nodes? Is there another way? Like, using Set Mouse Cursor when Hovering Button?

Thanks in advance!

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Sorry for bumping but, anyone? I still couldnt make this work

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This is also happening to me. I’ve set everything up everywhere I can think of.

Mouse over events are checked ON (and tried off as well) in the player controller BP. I have custom widgets for all the cursor types and they’re all setup properly in Project Settings->User Interface. Hovering over a child widget that is meant to give me the grab hand does not give me the grab hand.

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Hello Aian,

This is a known issue that has been sent to the developers for further consideration. After doing a bit more digging I have found that this issue has been resolved internally. This solution will be available in a later release of the engine. Thank you for your information and time.

Make it a great day

Not fixed. Only can use setCurrentCursor in Player Controller

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Same here! But in my case “Hand” cursor is working well (even in packaged game). I have a problem with “Grab Hand” and “Grab Hand Closed” - they are working within Editor plays, but not appears in the packaged game - instead of them i see just “Hand” cursor. So “Grab Hand” and “Grab Hand Closed” cursors somehow broken in packaged game. I even tried adding special nodes “Set Cursor”, “Set Hardware Cursor” and “Set Current Mouse Cursor” but it didn’t help… Please fix it!

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