Xoio & Project shown as diff yet delete as whole

Inside the EGL you have the option to Add to Project examples such as Xoio & Lightroom to existing projects. Now inside the EGl They show up as completely seperate projects with completely different engine versions yet inside the Unreal Project Launcher, they show up as one.

Now this isn’t a problem on its own yet when it comes to deleting projects from the EGL, which is very useful, you think you are only deleting the added project, yet it tosses both out.

I unfortunately found this out when trying to cleanup old and unneeded projects from the EGL today and deleted my main project. It didn’t really hurt me too much as I had the editor open and it kept most things that were loaded into the level from being deleted, yet I’d hate for it to happen to the hobbyist who doesn’t keep backups. It’s also a pretty bad bug in itself that you can accidentally delete projects.

Hi dotdog20,

Thank you for the report. I’m currently investigating this and I will post back here as soon as I have additional info.

Hi dotdog20,

I have informed our Launcher team of the issue and they are working to pin down the root cause. We hope to have this working properly in a future update to the Launcher.
