Can't debug unreal engine source code

I have my configuration on debug editor and I’m trying to go through my code line by line from my breakpoint. Everytime I run the code it opens up my project but visual studios never stays in debug mode. I don’t know how to make it stay in debug mode so that I can see what line is crashing my program. Do I have it on the right configuration?

In order to debug you must go to your properties in UE4 project then Configuration Properties->Debugging->Command Arguments. In front of the " -debug" put the absolute path to your .uproject that you want to debug with. If any of your folder names have space please put your path within quotes.
This should allow you to debug your engine source code

If using Rider:

In Rider Select target “Debug Editor | Win64”

In Rider goto Run, Edit Configurations…

Add the full path to the uproject file (use quotes if spaces) followed by the “-debug” flag
Now launch as usual using F5, breakpoints will become active in the project and engine

e.g. F:\UE\XBZ\XBZTGasSandbox\XBZTGasSandbox.uproject -debug


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