Custom NavArea not working to make AI Jump

I made a custom NavArea to have my AI jump with nav links however I don’t know what is going on with it right now. I have a custom path following component that checks the area flags and will do something if jump is one however instead of it detecting the are of having a flag of 2 it thinks the flag is 0. The real quicker is that it was working when I loaded up the editor however after a build and a compile it stopped working. Here’s the code:


class PW_GAME_API UNavArea_Jump : public UNavArea
	UNavArea_Jump(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer);

	enum AI_Path_Choice
		Jump = 1


UNavArea_Jump::UNavArea_Jump(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
	: Super(ObjectInitializer)
	AreaFlags = (1 << AI_Path_Choice::Jump);

Heres the PWPathFollowingComponent.cpp

void UPWPathFollowingComponent::SetMoveSegment(int32 SegmentStartIndex)

	UE_LOG(YourAI, Warning, TEXT("Set Move Segment Reached"));

	const uint16 AreaFlags = FNavMeshNodeFlags(Path->GetPathPoints()[SegmentStartIndex].Flags).AreaFlags;
	const uint16 JumpFlag = uint16(1 << UNavArea_Jump::Jump);

	FString checkAreaFlags = FString::FromInt(AreaFlags);
	FString checkJumpFlag = FString::FromInt(JumpFlag);

	UE_LOG(YourAI, Warning, TEXT("Area Flags: %s% / JumpFlag: %s%"),*checkAreaFlags, *checkJumpFlag);

	if ((AreaFlags & JumpFlag) != 0)
		//Jumping code for path finding
		UE_LOG(YourAI, Log, TEXT("Jump Flag Hit"));

and heres a screenshot of the output log and the navlink selected in the details panel

So how did you end up implementing this? I am trying to figure this out currently. By chance could you share the solution? I cannot seem to detect the jump trigger area either