Support us on Steam greenlight guys. :)

Hello everyone, help us with our campaign steam greenlight, we have developed our videogame with unreal engine 4. Here is the link so you can see all the information from our video game.

sorry for using this medium, but we need all possible support

you should rephrase this in the form of a question, like:

I was looking for some critique on my game trailer,

  1. does using this many scene cuts make people worried the game gets boring if shown for more than 3 seconds?

  2. should i use a ton of quotes, cutting away from the action to explain what a medic does?

  3. I’m not sure whether to left align this text or center align it, so i just put it all over the place, does it look sloppy?

  4. Should these scenes have more color to them? we kinda greyboxed the game, and the lead artists thought it looked good enough, but should we add more cinematic colors like cyan and orange lighting?

  5. does this HUD look ok? or does it look like we don’t have anyone who knows how to align text or use textures in UMG?

  6. should we hire a lighting artist and an interface designer, or should we just let our programmer do the tech art?

also, when you introduce mechs, they should be walking, not standing still, and the music needs emphasis, like playing inception horns when the mechs are shown for the first time. being in a mech shooting a few spiders is not trailer material, because it doesn’t look scary or difficult, you need the heroes to be outnumbered and fighting impossible odds.

and when the music drops, for some reason you show the text “And more”… as if that’s an epic statement. instead, it should say something like “but there’s one thing they didn’t count on…” then show giant space lasers nuking the buildings. but when you show the lasers, make sure to build up to it, by showing the spaceship start to glow and charge up a shot, and have someone yell something macho like, “Hit the dirt!” or “its coming in hot!”, and then have a giant blast destroying a building. in your trailer, you showed the lasers first and the spaceship second, without building any suspense or narrative.

then you just cut to a few more scenes and you went straight back to the stock music. a trailer should build up at the end, and the space laser scene should have been the punctuation, with some intense orchestral hits as shrapnel flies at the screen or a soldier dives into the foreground. then you need to animate your title into the screen, and put the unreal logo and the windows logo on a separate splash screen. only your title should be on the title screen.

this is how a trailer should sound at the end:

I don’t think an “Answer Hub” for solving problems with the engine is the right place to promote your game. Go on reddit or something to get people to check it out. (Also why did put this into “Blueprint Scripting”?)