AI-controlled pawns push each other in the air


Here’s a video with the problem. I am using RVO, but the pawns still collide with each other time after time. When this happens, they fly into the air and around the surface. This is totally crazy. Which collision/movement setting do I need to tweak?

Are using launch character? Do they need to collide with each other? you can get responses from overlaps

No, I am not using Launch Character anywhere. Yes, it makes sense that they should collide with each other, but they should not send each other to flights.

Have you tried overlap only for the skeletal mech and unchecking auto weld?

don’t think its available on a skeletal mesh but if you have any other components in the BP check those had a similar problem some time ago and can’t remember quite how i fixed it and the project is on an old PC. do you have physics enabled on your rout capsule component?

I have a mesh with NoCollision at all right now. Where can I switch the autoWield?

No, only the gravity. If you enable physics on the root capsule they just fall through the floor :slight_smile:

Don’t know if this will help, just looked at the project on the old PC and its Ver 4.5
The capsule collision is type pawn and set to block pawn, the mesh collision is type pawn and set to ignore pawn. The RVO avoidance weight is 0.6 (doesn’t have radius in 4.5) the other thing to check is character can step up on capsule ECB No mesh is set to ECB owner

The way I solved it was by simply disabling the collisions with each other until 3 seconds passed or they landed with the following BP code.

Ok, that makes things even more weird. Now they group together and fly in the air like a freaking spaceships. What’s ur problem, Unreal.

I figured the issue is connected with CapsuleComponent’s Can Char Step Up On, but with it on it’s even weirder (they get stuck to each other and fly into the air).

Ok, it turns out I had a separate component which had OverlapAllDynamic collision preset and it was the one causing guys to fly around. I switched it to No Col and they are now all staying on the ground.

Hi, the later part of your answer is of interest to me. But I do need to give them my own AIController for functionality. Is it possible that I can extend my AIController from DetourCrowdAIController and add functionality, esp in BP only project?
