Blueprint window blank when opening a newly created blueprint for the second time

Hello, I really do hope this is because of error or something obvious that I’m not seeing.

When I create a new Blueprint (It doesn’t matter what type) in Unreal 4.8.2 (Potentially on previous versions and I haven’t noticed) everything in the Blueprint editor window appears fine the first time I open it.

The second time I open it, the Blueprint editor window is blank. No “Components” window, no “Event Graph”, no “Viewport”, etc. There appears to be no way to get this back again.

I’m not doing anything strange, it’s as simple as creating a Blueprint, opening it, closing it, and re-opening it again. My friend who is on the same version does not have this problem.

First Open

Second Open

I can confirm that I do not have this problem with some of my pre-existing assets. So this issue has appeared in either 4.8.1 or 4.8.2 (I haven’t created a new asset for a fair while, been working on existing ones).

Just updated and I am having the same problem. I also can not change the color when I make a new material.

It looks like someone else is hitting this too: [Blueprint not work second time - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums][1]

Blueprint not work second time - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums

I hope someone finds a fix, I’m blocked on development until this works again :frowning:


I appreciate your patience in this matter.
In order to assist you further, I do have a few questions I’d like you to answer:

  • Have you tried restarting your computer completely and opening your project up? If so, did this work for you?
  • Have you tried going into your project folder and deleting the following folders: Intermediate, Config and Saved
  • Could you please create a new blueprint template and tell me whether or not this still occurs, or if it’s just this specific project?
  • Did you obtain the editor from the Source or Binary?
  • What version of the editor are you on, you can find this by going to ‘Help’ > ‘About Unreal Editor’
  • Have you tried updating your graphics drivers?

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!

Hi ,

Thanks for the reply, I’m happy to do whatever I need to to sort this out.

From first to last question:

One. Yes, restarting did not fix anything.

Two. I tried deleting the folders you suggested, then opened the project but the issue still occurs.

Three a. Creating a new blueprint template within the existing project still results in this issue.

Three b. Creating a new project and then creating a new blueprint within that project encounters this issue.

Four. The editor is the binary obtained through the launcher.

Five. Version 4.8.2-2614606+++depot+UE4-Releases+4.8

Six. I have tried updating to the latest Nvidia graphics drivers but the issue still occurs. It is worth noting though that my graphics card is on the way out (I’ll be replacing it soon) as the graphics drivers will sometimes crash and dell diagnostics reveal a fault.


Have you tried uninstalling your graphics drivers instead of just updating them, and then reinstalling them? The only other thread I’ve seen that’s related to this that has been resolved is [this one][1]. actually reformatted his hdd and reinstalled Windows as well as UE4 and everything then worked correctly. Please try my suggestion with uninstalling and reinstalling the graphics drivers first, as it’ll save a lot more time if this is more of a corruption of the graphics card drivers, even after the update.

Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns, thanks!

A blank window shows after opening an actor blueprint - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums

I have the same problem! I don’t know what happening, but it’s not a graphics driver problem for sure! It seems to me that the editor is buggy. I hope there is a patch of something.


This is an issue that has not been able to be reproduced. When we are unable to reproduce an issue, it makes it very hard for the developers to pinpoint exactly what’s happening. If there are steps available to reproduce the blank blueprint editor, please provide them as soon as you’re able to.

In the meantime, please upload your DXDiag and inform us of the name of your antivirus and firewall software on your computer.

Thank you.

have had this happen to me in the past but it was a long time ago i had to click the window menu and recheck:
My Blueprint

have also in the past seen these totally not available… but it might help :slight_smile:

That is an awesome suggestion Sychris, can I see a screenshot of the ‘Window’ drop-down? This will help us eliminate the possibility of a bug or the fact that the windows were closed out. :slight_smile:

Ok I tell you how i solved the problem. Downgraded the whole engine to 4.7.6! Apparently this bug only occurs in 4.8.2 so its version related. I hope the devs will fix this in 4.8.3.

Hey Geza,

Did you try Sychris’ suggestion, by going into the blueprint editor and looking under ‘Window’ and seeing whether or not the proper windows were checked off? If you’re not quite sure, please feel free to upload a screenshot and I will assist you further.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling the graphics driver and the problem still occurs. I also tried the suggestion by Sychris but “Toolbar” is already selected, and there are no “Details” and “My Blueprint” options.

The only options in Window to tick are “Toolbar”, “Class Defaults” and “Find Results”.

I’ve added a screenshot.


Can you try turning on ‘Class Defaults’?

So I managed to find out what was happening, apparently after closing the blueprint for the first time, it became a “Data only blueprint”. I only found this out at due to opening the “Class Defaults” window at the suggestion of . The text saying it is pretty small but there’s blue text at the end saying “Open Full Blueprint Editor” that when you click it opens the “full” blueprint editor with Event graphs, components and all the expected stuff.

I’ll include the screenshot at the end.

This is probably a fair bit of noobiness on my part since I’m still new to the engine but I’d like to suggest the following improvements:

  • Make it much much clearer in several locations that you’re looking at a “Data Only” blueprint. Some small text in the Class Defaults window is not enough for beginners to notice. Ideally watermark it all over the background or something. I’d rather it be right in my face than hidden away.
  • In conjunction with the above, make it clear you’re using the “Data Only” mode of the Blueprint editor, either in a title bar or other places. Or better yet, don’t have two editor modes (I’m sure there’s a good reason why and I just haven’t explored the engine enough to understand yet).

Screenshot of the button you need to click in the Class Defaults window

Hey , your suggestion led me to the solution which I’ve added to as an answer. Thanks for your help!

I’ve also added two improvement suggestions to help beginners like me avoid this situation in the future.

Thanks for your help! Solved my problem as well!