button press in multiplayer


I want te create a simple button in multiplayer but i cant get it to work.
The listed server can press the button. And the data gets sync over to the client. But the client cant press the button, but when the client stands in the collision box for the button the server can press the button…

here is a screenshot of my blueprint.


As for the client being able to allow the server to press the button you need to specify which player has overlapped the button. In my example I have a branch that asks if the button or in my case “Shotgun” is overlapping actor (the capsule of the third person character which you can reference from the get player character function shown at the bottom of the picture) This makes sure that when you press the “Equip or action” button that they will only carry out the blueprint functions and such if the person overlapping is the player character specified. As for the whole client being unable to carry this out, im still trying to figure this out myself aha ^^. Hope this helps!


As for the client being able to allow the server to press the button you need to specify which player has overlapped the button. In my example I have a branch that asks if the button or in my case “Shotgun” is overlapping actor (the capsule of the third person character which you can reference from the get player character function shown at the bottom of the picture. This makes sure that when you press the “Equip or action” button that they will only carry out the blueprint functions and such if the person overlapping is the player character specified. As for the whole client being unable to carry this out, im still trying to figure this out myself aha ^^. Hope this helps!