How do I force particles to start during a start up video?

I am running into this issue where the particles don’t turn on until 3-5 seconds has gone by, even though everything else has been loaded in the scene. I currently have set up these particles in my main menu, which is using UMG. Once the start up video finishes, it then goes to one of my cameras, which has a fade in effect. Then this camera cuts to the main camera and the UMG elements are then turned on. My question is, how do I make sure that these particles begin playing before this fade in, so that there is no awkward 3-5 second delay before they start emitting? Thank you in advance!

Use WarmUpTime in your Effect, I believe it is in either the required module or the emitter. Sorry I don’t have the editor up in front of me and I can’t recall which of those modules its on :slight_smile:

Thank you! I’ll check it out.