Collision of components inside of a blueprint

Having an issue with overlap events triggering inside of my blueprint.

I am effectively creating a small pong clone, I have created a static mesh from a geometry brush to make the paddle.
I have set on the static mesh paddle “Use complex collision as simple”, collision enabled, collision response enabled etc.

I have created a class blueprint which extends Pawn. This class blueprint I have called “Pong Game”.

Inside this blueprint I have added two of these static mesh paddles as components.

I have also added a box shape component to this blueprint, which I am using as a wall to detect boundary collisions.

Now the issue is that I absolutely can not get overlap events of any kind between the paddles and the box shape, nor between paddles themselves, or any other component I throw in there.

I add event listeners by using the blueprint component editor clicking the button “Add Event For Static Mesh1”… etc selecting being overlap or end.

At the moment I am basically just setting relative position on the paddle over time to get it to move, which works fine, but when the paddle hits the box wall I get no collision/overlap/hit events at all, so the paddle just carries on flying towards the sky (which is rather amusing!).

Is it a doable thing to have overlap events between components in the same blueprint? I would have thought this would be ok,

I got the same problem here

I just spent the last 3 hours hacking away at a new solution, spawning the Paddle outside of the blueprint, reparenting the actor to the paddlegame blueprint after spawning so I can move it relative to the game board, still nothing, even though the paddle blueprint is completely spawned seperately and outside of the paddle game scene graph I get 0 overlap events. This is impossible, I cant understand what the deal is, I have tried so many different configurations, all sorts of different types of overlap rules.

I even changed both the paddle blueprint mesh and the wall top box shape to block all and used set actor location to sweep and its completely and utterly ignored.

I’m not sure what is going on, but your paddlemesh doesn’t have anything set to generate overlap events. If you’d like, post your project so that I can download and take a look at it (or PM me if you don’t want to post it publicly).

It sounds like I am also having a similar problem,

I have a blueprint with a Sphere component set as the rootComponent, I want to be able to add two physics bodies inside the sphere and run a physics constraint between them.

Body 1 is set to not simulate physics and body 2 is set to simulate bothignore collisions.

However when I run the 2nd body is stuck at world 0,0,0 whilst the sphere and the 1st body simulate as expected.

Any helps would be greatly appreciated.


Ok I found a solution atleast for now.

In my paddle blueprint, I added a box shape as a child of the paddle and scaled it down to match the size of the paddle, the box shape correctly generates overlap events, for the paddle I turned off all collision since it doesnt work anyway.

I cant figure out why my paddle wasnt generating overlap events. I made a BSP box, and used the editor to convert it to a static mesh, thats the only thing special about it that I can think of.

I have a similar issue with Sphere and capsule components inside my character blueprint not reporting overlap as expected.

A Tutorial or more specific documentation on collision of blueprint components would be really awesome!

Your paddle will be generate overlap events if you are make his setup as a box collision