Totally at a loss, unable to access struct from another blueprint

Using 4.8.2

This seems insane, no matter how hard I debug, nothing works. I have a Blueprint called BP_Mercury, which is trying to access the member of a struct in BP_SUN so that it can get the mass… But nothing works. I’ve tried casting, I’ve tried using a variable set as the target blueprint, but NOTHING I do seems to work. I cannot seem to extract the value of the other blueprint’s struct no matter what I try. This is how the blueprint is defined.

From CelestialBody UClass:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "OrbitData")
	FavBodyInfo cbBodyInfo;

This is the struct:

struct FavBodyInfo

	//Define Mass, Size, Atmosphere, Composition, Etc
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Body Properties")
	float Mass;

If I break the struct from Self and Print to screen, it shows the mass. If I reference an external object, it always comes back as zero. Here’s my attempts to debug with print statements (which always show a 0.0 value no matter what I set.)

I’m so so confused. It always shows the Parent Body’s Mass as zero.

Could post screenshots of the other related BP’s. Structs are a little finicky. It would help to see where values are being accessed/set. One thing that stands out is that you are not casting your ParentSelect>target, but accessing the struct directly.

Any warnings in the output about accessing null objects?

Firstly, try create constructor in your struct:

    Mass = 0;
    Radius = 0;

Secondly, define class like this:

 struct [YourGameName]_API FavBodyInfo

If none of this helps, then it is a bug, or some mistake in your blueprint. I can continue this answer, if you show where and how you are modifying ParentSelect variable (if there will be something wrong of course).