Mesh Animation Not Smooth

Hey all,

Exporting an animated mesh from Maya into UE4 and it’s coming out a bit robotic. The animation keyframes are super smooth and perfect in Maya but in UE4 they lose some of the smoothness. Is there something going on that’s converting my keyframes?

Other than a little less smooth things are fine but I’m being a perfectionist.


It might be compression. Can you post the Maya and FBX animation file per chance? Or a video showing the difference?



Super smooth in Maya. Nitpicky robotic in UE4.


Thanks for posting the files. That definitely helped.

The temp fix: On importing the animation you’ll want to check

However, I’d consider that a temporary fix :slight_smile: The Maya file is set to animate at 24 fps. The game assumes all animations are done at 30 fps! So the game is probably trying to convert the 24fps animation to 30fps, but it’s improperly converting all the curves to ‘linear’ so it gets that robot look you mention.

In Maya you can change the playback settings under Windows>Settings/Preferences>Preferences>Settings and change Time to NTSC/30fps. Then in that same Window under Time Slider, make sure it’s set to ‘Real Time 30 fps’.

Setting it to and animating with 30 fps should prevent any headaches in the future with this sort of thing.

If this answers your question feel free to mark as answered, otherwise let me know if you have any questions and I’d be happy to help!