Hot reload error in 4.8 with _DelegateSignature

This is related to this post : Hot Reload errors since upgrade to 4.8.1 - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums

Just wanted to make it more visible in BUG REPORTS so it gets fixed.

Delegate declaration inside the class declaration gets broken after a hot reload. For some reason, the UField linked list is broken when searching for BlueprintCallable UFunctions.

I believe this is a bug in the HotReload, since the initial compilation works correctly. However, all the functions are correctly remapped, so it’s somewhere else that the “Next” link gets nulled, don’t know where, but when I noticed this only happened on _DelegateSignature, I promptly removed them from my problematic classes solving my issue.

//Do not put this inside the class declaration, put it outside DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE(FOnMakeMeExplodeAfterHotReload);

To be fair, in the source most of those are done outside class declaration but some are not. If this is not intended to be in the class declaration UBT should warn me so!

This was pretty frustrating to debug to say the least. Also, it was working in versions of the engine prior to 4.8…

Hi ,

Thank you for reporting this issue and trying to make it more visible in the Bug Reports section. So that we can try to keep all of the information together, I’ll be locking this post and moving your original post to the Bug Reports section. I’ll be looking into putting this into our bug database personally so I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.