[Bug] Blueprint Event Arguments Fail Recursion

In this test, the “Set RecursionTestVar” node should be processed when “Do Recursion” is true.

Expected Result: Recursion Test Var is set to TRUE
Actual Result: Recursion Test Var is set to FALSE (because the recursion updated the arguments)

Just a general observation - combining a self-referential event in the main graph with a sequence node is sort of a Bad Idea™. Almost anything can happen, but rarely what you expect to happen.

I did encounter a legitimate use case dealing with a chain of event callbacks, where I had to submit to a clumsy work-around once I finally found the cause of this unexpected issue.

Being that Blueprint events fancy themselves functions without return values (c++ functions without return values are only overridden as events for example), I would expect it is intended to work the same as one :stuck_out_tongue: