C++ Collision and Mesh scale not working together

Hi, I have a StaticMeshComponent and a BoxComponent that I’m trying make work together. I’m having an issue where the box doesn’t use the correct collision scale. The only way I can get it to sit on the ground flat is by scaling the Mesh to (BoxComponent->GetComponentScale * 0.65f), and I don’t want to do this for obvious reasons. If I scale them to be the same, they show the same size in editor, but the box sinks into the ground like in the screenshot posted. Any help with this will be appreciated, thanks in advance.

Are you setting the scale of the box before the collider by any chance, as I’m assuming this would put the box through the floor and then extend the collider to stop it from then dropping further through the floor?, Also, does this happen if you spawn the box a lot higher than the actual floor and then let it drop and hit the floor, does the box then still fall through?

I’ve tried setting the scales one before the other and vice-versa. Height of spawn has no effect. I can set the box near the floor or very high up, same issue. If I assign collision in the mesh editor, spawn height doesn’t become an issue either.