Static mesh size = stationary light's dynamic shadow fade distance?

Hi. I’m currently working on an office scene and having a hard time with stationary lights, particularly with dynamic shadows on movers.

The problem gets worse the smaller an object is. This would make sense, given how expensive dynamic shadows are but even with something like a mug or a book I need to zoom in so much to see the shadow that the camera is clipping through the mesh…
Here’s a quick screenshot I did for testing. Left is original scale, then it’s 3x in the middle and 6x on the right.

As you can see at original scale there are no shadows, meanwhile at 3x the shadow is already fading away. Is there some kind of setting I can change to increase the cull distance? I think I’ve looked everywhere at this point. I only have a few objects, so performance isn’t an issue. The shadow quality itself is quite superb actually, if this was UDK I wouldn’t even bother at all :slight_smile:

edit1: I’ve managed to get better results by launching the editor in -maxqualitymode, however it’s still not good enough. I never really had to tinker with ini files personally, but it appears that there must be some kind of command that directly affects these shadows. Any ideas?

edit2: Basically something [like this][2], except for point/spot lights

You can enable Cast Inset Shadows(expand the Lighting section and you’ll get advanced settings) for those objects and see if that helps.

Unfortunately that didn’t fix the problem. Right now my only option would be to scale up the entire scene by at least 6x :frowning:

Hmm, how about cascaded shadows settings of the light? Have you fiddled with them?

Unfortunately point and spot lights don’t appear to have those settings. Directional Light has that setting (dynamic shadow distance), but I can’t use that in my scene…

Looking at your test scene i thought you were going to use a directional light casting through the windows. Well i’m all out of ideas for now. :\

Ah yes, the actual scene is underground with no windows at all, sorry if it was a bit misleading :slight_smile:
Thanks for the help though